You're ready... ready to let go, ready to bring all that is outdated and overworked to completion. You're feeling pulled... distracted by all of the directions, by a heightened sense of instability. You're tired... of pushing your way through and want to be connected with your intuition and higher realm with ease. MOON, BODY & SPIRIT is an invitation into a highly intuitive and intimate, private, virtual Sacred Ceremony where you re-align with clarity + direction in a grounding, Akashic Records reading and nurturing, distant Reiki Healing, as you harness the illuminating energy of the Full Moon to clear a pathway with ease. Together, in this 90 Minute Session, you will: 💫Be guided through a Light Meditation to ground into the energy of the Full Moon. 💫Clear the way for powerful intentions with a Water Alchemy ceremony. 💫Receive a 30 minute Akashic Record reading to gain clarity around present challenges, opportunities or transitions. 💫Receive a 30 minute intuitive, distant Reiki Healing to support the reinstatement of harmony + balance. Investment: $195 **As sessions are highly intuitive, only 3 spots will be made available on a first come basis between 12/13 and 12/15.