for the RAW


I dove deep into my taboo…

my dark feminine, & what emerged isn’t just for me.

For the RAW is a decadent community for the Real Authentic Women, for the ones who have felt like misfits, wildly craving the kind of connection to themselves & their lives in a way that only fully-expressed, fully-provocative women can be.

I curated For the RAW with you in mind. Bringing both a curriculum based, live, virtual journey & in-person luxury gatherings, to guide you absolutely forward & fully expressed by exploring, claiming, & expanding your sex, money, & power in a way where you feel undeniably supported, & so incredibly seen.

RAW in your Fear; RAW in your TrutH - you belong here.

Over the last 10 years I’ve traveled through multiple iterations of my Dark Night of the Soul, only to ever remember just how on-purpose I’ve always been. With an addiction to chaos alongside a chronically dysregulated nervous system, I couldn’t see myself through the foggy mirror without daring greatly.

Daring to be authentic AF, what emerged was RAW.

From manipulation to authenticity, I no longer separate my Sex, my pleasure from Source.

From bankruptcy & joy-broke to six figures & wholeness, I allow my money to support me.

From intense spiraling in & out of depression to self-regulation on repeat, the depths of my emotionality is a means to as many juicy beginnings as I see fit. Beginnings needed to further showcase my power to influence change.

I remembered myself through provocatively owning in it’s entirety - my sex, money, & power.

I want this for you, too.

To trust in your own taboo as the very thing you need to remember your softness within your boldness, as you dare to rise.

And, I hear you…

you’re tired of doing it alone. Tired of feeling like you’re on the outside with passion untapped, wisdom unheard.

As your Spiritual Madame, join me.

This is your personal invitation into a decadent, sacred community, through a virtual, guided journey or in-person gatherings alongside your RAW Sisters who I assure you, are seeking you, too.

Ways to Gather

Rising RAW

a 7 -week journey for the Real Authentic Woman to explore, claim, & expand her sex, money, & power alongside sacred Sisterhood.

6, live, virtual modules, yummy guest Expert Healers, Soul Care Packages, a sacred healing community of RAW Sisters, psychic teachings…oh my!

We launch Tuesday, July 30th!

RAW in your fear; RAW in your truth - you belong HERE.

Click the registration link for your Rising RAW journey info & enrollment!

Doors closed & will reopen for our next Rising RAW journey November 5th!

Space will be intimate & limited pre-register with link below & snag your $100 off w/ code RISE

RAW + Soul

A decadent, in-person gathering For the RAW where together we deepen into authentic sisterhood while nurturing our whole-selves through the exploration, claiming, & expansion of our taboo - our sex, money, & power.

We gather Saturday, November 9th

Westbrook, Maine


Hi Beauty!

I am SO happy you are here & I cannot wait to share the medicine of our decadent community with you!

Traveling the expansive realms of all things woo n’ taboo, I am grateful for the opportunity to guide you into absolute alignment, too guide you Home.

From metaphysics to personal transformation, & snagging varying degrees along the way these last 10+ years, I am passionately wired to welcome you into the work in a way that feels nurturing, wholesome, & expansive. To supporting you in learning how to truly lead yourself into wholeness with handheld, psychic mentoring & psychic teachings.